I opened FB this morning and I noticed a post in the group for my neighborhood. The person posted that she wished parents would control their children because they shouldn’t be outside screaming at 10PM because some people must get up early for work. When I read that, it didn’t sit well in my spirit. There were a few responses such as, it’s summertime and it stays lighter longer so the kids are staying outside longer. Another person suggested wearing earplugs and using ambient noise and another person stated that she bet the parents in Uvalde wished that they could hear their children screaming again. That statement made me take pause. I totally agree with it. I can only imagine the pain that those parents and other parents who have lost their children are going through. I haven’t lost a living child, but I lost an unborn child and that was very painful. I often think about him/her and wonder what they would have looked like, what type of personality they would have and so many other things. My child would have been 28 this year. I wish that I could have experienced hearing him/her scream at 10PM. I said all of that to say, I don’t understand why some people are so negative. And why do they feel that the world is supposed to revolve around them? There are some people that feel that only their comfort and feelings matter and everyone else should just stop living their lives to accommodate them and their likes and wants. Instead of getting online and complaining and judging people, maybe they should have gone to their door and asked the kids to turn it down a little bit. Or they could have spoken to the parent or even just be a little more considerate and understanding. Some people love being miserable, and it seems that enjoy spreading their negativity so that they make other people miserable. We all know that old saying…misery loves company…not today Satan!!! Get on way from here!!! Let those kids enjoy their selves and be kids for as long as they can because it doesn’t last long in today’s world.
Written by:
Elondious Southall